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 To start the Telix program type the following while at the DOS

      Telix [O] [Q] [B] [Sfilename] [Cfilename] [Ffilename]

 The letters in the square brackets are optional command line
 switches affecting what Telix will do upon start-up. The
 square brackets should not be entered. The order and case of
 the options does not matter but they MUST be separated by at
 least one blank.

 Specifying the 'O' option upon start-up tells Telix that you
 are already online (connected to a host systems), and that it
 should not try to initialize the modem.

 The 'Q' option in the command line chooses quiet mode for the
 current session. When quiet mode is on Telix will not sound
 any alarms (e.g., when a file transfer is over), no matter
 what the default setting for alarms is. This is useful for
 those late night sessions. Any bell characters sent by the re-
 mote system are still sounded however.

 Specifying 'B' in the command line forces Telix to use the
 PC's BIOS for all screen write operations, whatever the de-
 fault setting for screen writes might be. This is useful when
 you want to run Telix in a multi-tasking environment such as
 Desqview, Topview, or MS Windows for just one session.

 The 'S' option indicates that a script file (explained else-
 where) is to be run immediately upon start-up. The 'S' should
 be followed immediately (no blanks) by the name of the script
 file to execute.

 The 'C' option indicates that another Telix configuration file
 than the standard TELIX.CNF should be used. If it doesn't ex-
 ist, it will be created. In this way, you may have multiple
 configurations for Telix. The name of the configuration file
 should immediately follow the 'C', and should include the ex-

 The 'F' option indicates that another dialing directory (FON)
 file than the default TELIX.FON should be loaded at start-up.
 The name should immediately follow the 'F'. Note that another
 dialing directory file may also be loaded from within Telix
 (in the dialing directory screen).

 Upon starting, Telix will display a title screen for a period
 of 25 seconds or until you press a key. Please read the mes-
 sage on the title screen carefully. After you are past the ti-
 tle screen, you will be in 'terminal mode' unless Telix can't
 find the configuration file (usually  TELIX.CNF), in which
 case it will ask you a few questions about your machine and
 modem, and then will write a configuration file for you.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson